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*On desktop, mobile web and app
**Source: Google Analytics, February 2018

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Dimensions (in pixels): 970x250

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 728x90

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x250

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x600

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

NOTES: Available on Homepages only


* In-banner video ad is allowed. Auto-play video is ok but sound must be muted by default.
* HTML format creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.
* MPU spec works for Mobile Web too.

Dimensions (in pixels): Initial / Expanded: 970x250 / 970x500

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB / 1 MB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50 KB, MP4/GG/WebM 1 MB / 10 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Video Player: Must have play, pause, mute, unmute controls

Notes: Available on Homepages only

Dimensions (in pixels): Initial / Expanded: 728x90 / 728x400

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB / 1 MB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50 KB, MP4/GG/WebM 1 MB / 10 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Video Player: Must have play, pause, mute, unmute controls

Notes: Available on Homepages only

Dimensions (in pixels): Initial / Expanded: 970x90 / 970x415

File Format & File Size: HTML 80 KB / 1 MB, GIF/JPG/PNG 50 KB, MP4/GG/WebM 1 MB / 10 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Video Player: Must have play, pause, mute, unmute controls

Notes: Available on Homepages only


* All ad expansions must be user initiated.
* Rich Media creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.

Dimensions (in pixels): 190x120 (thumbnail-image) 88x24 (logo)

File Format: JPG/PNG 50 KB, EPS/AI 10 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 50 characters max with space

Description: 200 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: -

CTA message: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 190x120 (thumbnail-image) 88x24 (logo)

File Format: JPG/PNG 50 KB, EPS/AI 10 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 40文字以内

Description: 80文字以内

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: -

CTA message: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 220x150 (thumbnail-image)) 88x24 (logo)

File Format: JPG/PNG 50 KB, EPS/AI 10kb

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 50 characters max with space

Description: N/A

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: -

CTA message: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x200 (thumbnail-image)

File Format: JPG/PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: Text

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Notes: No copy or logos inside the supplied image

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x200 (thumbnail-image)

File Format: JPG/PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 15文字以内

Description: 60文字以内

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: Text 15文字以内

CTA message: 7文字以内

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Notes: No copy or logos inside the supplied image

Dimensions (in pixels): N/A

File Format: -

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 120 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: Text

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Notes: No copy or logos inside the supplied image

Dimensions (in pixels): N/A

File Format: JPG or PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 120 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: Text

CTA message: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Notes: No copy or logos inside the supplied image

Dimensions (in pixels): 600x600 (thumbnail-image)

File Format: JPG/PNG 100 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): -

Headline: 60 characters max with space

Description: 180 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Name: Text

CTA message: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


** Landing Page Native will be phased out as Landing pages are converted to Channels. Interval specs work for new Channels.

Dimensions (in pixels): 100% vw x 100% vh

File Format: HTML 1.5 MB / HTML + 1 MP4/MOV 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 15 sec, 24 fps

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Logo: 1 logo (optional) - vector, EPS format

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Advertiser’s brand guidelines must be included
  • Advertiser’s branded font(s) in OTF (for PNGs) / WOFF2 (web) must be included, if applicable
  • 300KB initial load
  • No expansions
  • White ads must have a minimum 1px, visible border (#CCC recommended)
  • Video is autoplay-initiated, with sound muted

Dimensions (in pixels): 100% vw x 50% vh

File Format: HTML 1.5 MB / HTML + 1 MP4/MOV 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 15 sec, 24 fps

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Logo: 1 logo (optional) - vector, EPS format

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Advertiser’s brand guidelines must be included
  • Advertiser’s branded font(s) in OTF (for PNGs) / WOFF2 (web) must be included, if applicable
  • 300KB initial load
  • No expansions
  • White ads must have a minimum 1px, visible border (#CCC recommended)
  • Video is autoplay-initiated, with sound muted

Dimensions (in pixels): 100% vw x 25% vh

File Format: HTML 1.5 MB / HTML + 1 MP4/MOV 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 15 sec, 24 fps

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Logo: 1 logo (optional) - vector, EPS format

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Advertiser’s brand guidelines must be included
  • Advertiser’s branded font(s) in OTF (for PNGs) / WOFF2 (web) must be included, if applicable
  • 300KB initial load
  • No expansions
  • White ads must have a minimum 1px, visible border (#CCC recommended)
  • Video is autoplay-initiated, with sound muted


File Format: HTML 1.5 MB / HTML + 1 MP4/MOV 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 15 sec, 24 fps

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Logo: 1 logo (optional) - vector, EPS format

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Advertiser’s brand guidelines must be included
  • Advertiser’s branded font(s) in OTF (for PNGs) / WOFF2 (web) must be included, if applicable
  • 300KB initial load
  • No expansions
  • White ads must have a minimum 1px, visible border (#CCC recommended)
  • Video is autoplay-initiated, with sound muted


File Format: HTML 1.5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Headline: 25 characters max with space

Description: 100 characters max with space

Click through URL: Required

Advertiser Logo: 1 logo (optional) - vector, EPS format

CTA message: 15 characters max with space

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Advertiser’s brand guidelines must be included
  • Advertiser’s branded font(s) in OTF (for PNGs) / WOFF2 (web) must be included, if applicable
  • 300KB initial load
  • No expansions
  • White ads must have a minimum 1px, visible border (#CCC recommended)
  • Video is autoplay-initiated, with sound muted


* Canvas is cross platform (desktop and mobile) responsive.
* All video ads must be muted in order to enable autoplay.

Dimensions (in pixels): 1280x720

File Format: MP4 2.5 MB / 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 30 sec

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • VAST tag is acceptable.
  • Animations should be kept subtle, as the video pre-roll is where a user's attention would be.

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x250

File Format: HTML 80 KB / GIF,JPG,PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 30 sec

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Audio and video are not allowed.
  • HTML format creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.

DIMENSIONS (IN PIXELS): 1920X1080 (MAX) 640X360 (MIN)

File Format: MP4 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 30 sec

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • Any Video Codecs format, excepted: ProRes 4444, HDV720p60, Go2 Meeting 3 & 4, ER AAC LD, REDCODE
  • VAST 3.0 standard tag is acceptable.


File Format: MP4 2.5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2


  • VAST tag is acceptable


* 4:3 ratios are not supported.

Dimensions (in pixels): 1920x1080

File Format: MOV or MP4 10 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec, 29.97 fps

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Notes: Must be hosted by Reuters TV


* 4:3 and anamorphic formats are possible, but discouraged; 3:2 aspect ratio is not accepted.

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x250

File Format: HTML 80 KB / GIF,JPG,PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): Static

Border: Required

Sound: -

Loops: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Supported Libralies: MRAID

Notes: Audio and video are not allowed.

Dimensions (in pixels): 100% vw x 100% vh

File Format: HTML 1.5 MB / HTML + 1 MP4/MOV 5 MB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec / 15 sec, 24 fps

Border: -

Sound: User initiated

Loops: -

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Up to 2

Supported Libraries: MRAID, Admob

Notes: Cross platform (tablet and mobile) responsive


* Interstitials can use most of the same creative as Full Screen Canvas ads; the major difference is that the Intrsaitials must be MRAID compatible, which causes issues with web delivery
* HTML format creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x250

File Format: HTML 80 KB / GIF,JPG,PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Acceptable

Supported Libralies: MRAID


  • Expandable or Rich media that resizes is not available.
  • HTML format creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.

Dimensions (in pixels): 300x250

File Format: HTML 80 KB / GIF,JPG,PNG 50 KB

Animation/Video Time (Max): 15 sec

Border: Required

Sound: User initiated

Loops: Max 3

3rd Party Trackers for imps & clicks: Acceptable

Supported Libralies: MRAID


  • Expandable or Rich media that resizes is not available.
  • HTML format creative must be provided by 3rd party tag.


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